
Show 21 – John Stapleton

John Stapleton is a veteran journalist who has written for many news outlets, including The Australian and The Sydney Morning Herald. His latest book “Australia Breaks Apart” is receiving rave reviews, as he traces the scars left on the Nation by the government’s pandemic overreach. John is a rare journalist, who is not cowered into …

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The People Have Spoken

If you want to fight back against your government imposing its will, over and above what you find morally acceptable. Like trying to normalise Drag Queen Story Time in your local library, for children aged between one to six, then you have a duty to fight back regardless of the consequenc-es. Petitions to institutions and …

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VIDEO: Show 18 – Ken Phillips

Ken Phillips is a small business entrepreneur. He has always enjoyed the freedom and flexibility provided by being his own boss. Not anymore, the Federal Industrial Relations Minister, Tony Burke, believes this way of working is anachronistic. “Toxic” even. He intends to bring self employed Australians under the rubric of the industrial relations commission. Ken …

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Show 18 – Ken Phillips

Ken Phillips is a small business entrepreneur. He has always enjoyed the freedom and flexibility provided by being his own boss. Not anymore, the Federal Industrial Relations Minister, Tony Burke, believes this way of working is anachronistic. “Toxic” even. He intends to bring self employed Australians under the rubric of the industrial relations commission. Ken …

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Show 17 – Victor Leach

In this show, retired radiation physicist, Victor Leach, warns us about the dangers of the roll out of 5G technology. He is not a doomsday conspiracy theorist but an advocate for regulation based on empirical evidence to protect those most vulnerable to electromagnetic frequency. A scientist of rare conviction, not afraid to stand against a …

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